Types of equipment and how they work
- Electrical muscle stimulation (causing muscle contraction);
- electromagnetic;
- vibration stimulation (massage);
- ultrasound;
- laser.
- Personal intolerance. Patients may experience groin pain, rash, and skin irritation.
- malignant tumors.
- Active tuberculosis.
- Coagulopathy.
- Prostate stones (calculous prostatitis).
- Presence of foci of purulence (pyogenic focal prostatitis).
In acute prostatitis, heating of the gland is not acceptable, so heating devices are not used.
electrical stimulation device
- Local blood circulation and metabolic processes are activated;
- Lymph outflow improves and venous stasis is eliminated;
- Stimulates regeneration of damaged tissue;
- Regulates the sensitivity of nerve endings;
- Prostate swelling subsides;
- The muscular framework of the pelvic floor is strengthened;
- In prostate tissue, atrophy and sclerosis processes caused by chronic inflammation are inhibited;
- Benign tumors up to 0. 5 cm in diameter are broken down.

- through the urethra. One catheter electrode (cavitary electrode) is inserted into the urethra and the other (a copper plate with a hydrophilic coating lining) is placed on the tailbone.
- Via rectum. A thin electrode attachment is inserted into the rectum and a second electrode is placed on the pubic bone. This method is the most effective and comfortable.
- through the perineal skin. Electrodes are placed in the area between the anus and scrotum.
magnetic field generator
- Reduce swelling and pain;
- Improve blood circulation;
- Accelerates healing of inflammatory injuries.
The duration of exposure depends on the power of the device and the condition of the patient. There are no unpleasant sensations during the procedure.
vibration stimulator

Ultrasonic equipment
- Improves the condition of the cell walls, increases blood vessel permeability (therefore, this procedure is not performed if there is acute inflammation of the prostate and the formation of pockets of infected fluid).
- Stimulates biochemical processes (fermentation, oxidation) and tissue respiration.
- There is an increase in the number of nucleic acids that perform a large number of essential functions that support cellular life.
- Relieves spasms and promotes urination.
- Prevents scarring in the prostate (ultrasound breaks down collagen into individual fibers).
- Blocks pain impulses.
- Increased activity of cellular defense mechanisms.
Ultrasound examination is recommended for scar tissue changes, parenchymal prostatitis (with purulent discharge). Best results are obtained when exposed to waves with a power of 0. 3-0. 4 W/cm2in pulse mode. Increased power can lead to exacerbation of urinary tract diseases and chronic prostatitis.
Laser equipment
Popular home appliances
device with electrodes
- Stimulate with pulsed current to improve blood circulation.
- Low-frequency mechanical vibration massage is used to activate venous outflow, expand arteries, and enhance glandular nutrition.
- Use magnetic field irradiation to relieve swelling and inflammation.
All modes of the device can be used individually.
Magnetic therapy device

Thermal and vibration devices
electromagnetic device
- hot;
- Magnetic wave irradiation;
- Vibration (massage).
Vacuum device

vibroacoustic device
for physiotherapy rooms
High frequency electromagnetic device
Laser therapy complex
- Basic unit (three channels).
- Vibration laser head.
- Three laser heads.
- Nozzle set.
- Book about laser treatment in urology.
- Vacuum massage device with flask and laser emitting head (for treating erectile dysfunction using LOD therapy).
Electric laser device
- Irradiation is performed using four waves of laser radiation (red, infrared types IR-1, IR-2).
- Bipolar electrical pulse stimulation (medical electrophoresis, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation).
- Magnetic radiation (the kit includes a mirror attachment for percutaneous prostate treatment).
Vacuum phototherapy device

- local decompression (dilation of penile blood vessels due to vacuum created in the flask);
- LED matrix irradiation (phototherapy, quasi-monochromatic radiation).
The device is PC compatible and has 15 built-in programs, but you can emulate individual programs.
Hardware and software complex

Phototherapy lamp
Procedure: The light of the lamp is directed to the lower abdominal area that has been previously cleaned with a special liquid and then to the perineum. Exposure time is 5 minutes. There may be multiple heating points. For sustained relief of prostatitis symptoms, 10 sessions are enough.